
I.S.Turgenev Orel State University

Orel State University was founded in 1931 as an industrial-Pedagogical Institute, which is on September 11, 1996 renamed into the Orel State University. Orel State University is located in the city OREL, distance between Moscow and Orel is 325 kilometers.

Orel State University is unique in many aspects. Orel State University is the only classical university who is the member of the Association of classical universities of the Russian Federation and the only educational institution in the region, which provide training on a wide range of areas and specialties of higher and postgraduate education, training, retraining. Orel State University is the only institution that gives professionals in the area of most humane professions like doctors and teachers. Currently, Orel State University implements 110 basic educational programs of higher education in large groups of 14 training areas and specialties. Today the university is the successor of the best tradition of Russian medical education. At present the Orel Medical institute has 17 department, which employ more than 100 full-time teachers, of whom more than 30 Doctors Professors, 77 associate professors 3 Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, 8 Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, 12 academicians and 11 corresponding members of various public academies.

Clinical bases of the Institute are leading medical diagnostic and Medical institutions of the city of Orel and Orel Region: Regional Hospital, Children’s Regional Hospital, City Emergency Hospital named after NA Semashko, the Regional Perinatal Center, Regional TB Dispensary, Botkin City Maternity Hospital, Regional Cancer Center, Regional TB Dispensary, Regional Skin and Venereal Diseases Hospital, clinic & Pharmacies in City of Orel.

Orel State University annually as a part of the state task receives the best range of budget places within the region. In 2012, the primary year of the budget was allotted 1,867 seats. On the standard of reception (the average score USE) OSU may be a leader among universities in Russia (in 2011 – 24th place in 2012 – 23rd among the 86 ancient universities within the ranking of Russia conducted by the upper college of political economy commissioned by the general public Chamber of the Russian Federation). The University every year may be a leader within the region on this indicator. Therefore, in 2012, the typical score was 70.28.

Currently, the university has over 11,000 students, interns, residents, graduate students, scholarly person students.

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