
Dagestan State Medical University

In 2017, there comes the 85th anniversary of Dagestan State Medical University. This age is considered to be the age of maturity and wisdom,of the covered way realizationand its further progress. So much trouble and experiences should those people, who were at the forefront of our wonderful institution, have had! But they endured all the difficulties and succeeded in the opening of Dagestan Medical Institute. Here are somenames of them : Muslim YusupovichNakhibashev, Omar AliyevichBairashevsky, KhadzhiOmarovichBulach, Georgy Pavlovich Rudnev, YakovGrigorievichSavitsky, Petr AristarkhovichMavrodiadi, Anatoly ViktorovichRossov and others.

In 1932 the Council of People’s Commissars adopted a historic resolution of Dagestan State Medical Institute foundation in order to prepare the medical staff for Dagestan itself and other North Caucasus republics. Special attention was paid to the medical staff trainingof the indigenous republic nationalities. Initially, Dagestan State Medical Institute had the limited theoretical and clinical base and the only department of general medicine.

Annually, there were accepted about 150 people for the first course. The Institutedepartments were mainly headed by the Candidatesof Sciences.

Over the years of its activity, our Institute experienced formation period severity and hardships, epidemic trouble, famine and devastation brought by the Great Patriotic War, the difficult years of post-war reconstruction, the hard reorganization period and it has not only survived but all this time it has been working with extraordinary dedication,strengtheningits positions and increasing its glory.

At different times the fate of the University was ordered by the devoted to their duty people, who dedicated their lives to the service of medicine. They possessed good citizenship, keenness, artistic creation, but the most important thing was that they were distinguished by extraordinary kindness, cordiality and decency.

The high point of the Institute development was in 1970th-1980th. There werebuilt morphological body, teaching and laboratory facilities, and a number of ancillary facilities. The Republic Clinical Hospital expanded significantly, dental and pediatric departments came into service. All this allowed the dental and pediatric departments to have been opened. The institute qualified teaching staff haschanged qualitatively. Almost all the departments have been headed by Doctors of Sciences, Professors mostly by those who were our institute graduates.

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